Monday, April 28, 2008


Went out with that Edmond yesterday.
Wanted to buy things for myself. But nothing caught my eye. Nabei!

So never mind, we settled at some restaurant for dinner.

I think some China-ish style restaurant whereby they serve china dishes.

Not spicy at all. Sian! That edmond so disgusting, he freaking *slurps* down 1 big fat thick FATS from the cow.
Then I was like ewwwwww....

He then let me try a quite small piece of fats. Okay la. Jelly jelly. Quite nice. =) Not so oily too.

P/S: I used wrong mode to capture the picture. That's why it turn out so fucking redish.

We also ordered 2 plates of dumplings for side dish.

The plain one look so not appealing right. But you are wrong. It's taste so heavenly.
Whereas the red red one, not that nice.

I eat until my wallet super broke. No more money. CB!

You know what, my house area here always got nice view. Like sunset, sunrise.
Sometimes the clouds are also very nice!!
I love this kind of scenery la.

However, recently I'm so into those TVB HongKong series. I keep chasing after one another.

Fei Tian Xi Shi ; It's a nice & romantic show. Whereby this girl who is fat, wanting to find a guy who is telepathy with her. Anyway, she really went to gain weight just to show this show. It's really nice la!

Du Chang Feng Yun ; This is a really nice show. All about gambling & etc. A tad bit of comedy. But I haven finished all the espiodes yet. Because some of the VCDs is not with me.

Ye Man Nai Nai Ge Shi Nai ; If you like comedy & lame show. This is definitely for you! By the way, Channel 8; 7pm gonna show the ages espiodes of this show. You have to catch it. It's really nice!! This is the modern one whereby they talks about fashion.

Yah, this is the ages one. Which is gonna show on the Channel 8 soon!

Anyways, I gonna have so much of fun soon in NDP 08.
I was put in the same group as YanHao. So lucky!!

& I was being selected to be the TeamLeader for Team3.
Okay, got pros & cons.

You guys shall wait for the NDP pictures this year! LOL!

And graduation is on the 16th of May.
I think I will be going with my sister. But now gonna wait. Because I need another invitation card!
Called the school as well. Now have to wait for the sms.

Will be wearing until damn formal la. So stay tune for the pictures. LOL!

P/S: I catch most of the TVB Hong Kong series online! LOL! Free one can. And also damn clear. =)

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