Thursday, November 15, 2007

Fucking Tiring Day ; High Elements.

Tiring day indeed.

I've my IGV phase test today. Quite easy.
After the phase test, we've got like 3hours of lunch break la. Then we decided to go Seoul Garden for our lunch.

Tadah! We ate this much & more than these!!

After that, we went back to school for our high elements la. So fucking fun.
We're actually suppose to only try & play the basic one. But our in-charge say he wanted to let those who dare to play & think we actually can make it ones to play the advance one.

Guys went first.

Then in-charge say left 2 more to go trying.
In the end, mag & KC wanted to try.
Mag walked 4 steps of the wobbly bridge... She cannot already turning back.
& KC walked 1 step also cannot liao.

But at least they make a attempt to try lor. Good effort!

Then change to me & yanhao.

And then we made it la.

Fucking happy! WAHAHAHA!
Only 2 girls manage this thingy.

But on this cargo ropes thing that part, Climb until both my hands very sore liao. Numb. Really don't have the strength to hang on up there. Then I "drop" down.
Seriously, the high elements is about 2-3storey high. When I dropped down, I don't felt scared or whatever shits. Because both of my arms like tired & sore till it's like breaking out. You seriously don't feel any scare-ness one la.

The whole thing is not about scare of what, is your determination & strength.

After that went for this career fair in my school. Roam around la.

Then edmond called & ask if want to go giant supermarket to walk walk with kelyn.
But I'm still in school mah, but then I still agreed. Rushed my way back home, then kelyn came to fetch off we went to parkway.
For dinner together & shopping at giant. Teehee.

Really happy to shop with my besties. Wahahaha. More meet-ups!

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