Sunday, December 09, 2007

Picture Blog.

Hello people.

I bought 3 goldfishes on Friday. And today left 1. Why because the other 2 die. KNN! Waste my $2.50 for each goldfish.

Initially, I'm still so happy to have goldfish leh...

This is to let the goldfish get used to the temperature of the water. =)

Very nice lor. I wanted to have hamster. But my aunty don't allow. But good also la, later die. Karma leh. =\

Anyway, this afternoon we're having the so called 'Spring-Cleaning' at my house (Hougang). I've had already blogged before saying that my house floor tiles have had all popped up in the master bedroom.

& therefore, tomorrow the town council will come and renovate my house floor tiles from the master bedroom & the whole living room. =)

I think the whole process last for like 3 days. It'll definitely become damn dusty & messy for my house.

We've had to move & shift all the furnitures in the master bedroom & living room to both of the rooms. =)

In the process of shifting the furnitures...

After hours of shifting of moving, all the furnitures are moved into the 2 rooms. & the amount of dust I sniffed in is uncountable. I kept sneezing non-stop. Allergy nose.

TADAH! So empty. Damn fucking echo. LOL! We keep "Oh Yi Oh" inside the living room & master bedroom.

After the renovation of the floor tiles, we gonna paint the whole house. So excited.
Just nice in time to have a new look for the house during CNY. =) Loves <3s.

Like I said, the amount of dirt & dust is so uncountable... So here is the total of collection of shits.

Woohoo! I got another digital camera. =) Canon IXUS. Shiok-ness.

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