Friday, January 23, 2009

Bullshit-ing with me is like so FUN to them.

Seriously, I got no idea why some people just love to bullshit & talk cock to me like it's really that FUN to them.

eg. I tell you all something, that mIRC 'Q' is a police at AMK. Ytd he just talk to me only.

I mean like, if you doesn't really have that particular things in your life then let it be. Why must you say until like you really got it & like u really own it and feel sick of it already.

Crazy woman!

When you're bullshit-ing with me, do you really feel very shiok? Or you just feel the satisfaction when you so-called 'won' me over something.

And please, if you really wants to bullshit & talk big cock with me at least don't leave any lope here & there.
I'm not stupid too.
You want to act like you're damn high-class & knowledgeable. You go ahead & act with other people. Don't come & act with me.
I don't eat that.

So what IF you really got multiples of credit cards in your wallet? So what if you have multiples of Bank account when it's empty inside? OR maybe just a few hundreds inside?

Please la, normal people or rather everyone of us can just freaking OPEN any bank account if we have $500 or $1000 inside the bank just in order not to let them deduct any innocent money when we have less than $500 or $1000 in our bank.

Crazy woman.

Eat only at POSH Restaurant? Oh. So does that means that you eat Chicken Rice, Char Kuay Tiao, Fishball Noodles or even Ba Ku Teh at only POSH Restaurant?
That must be really stupid of you to pay more than $2 or $3 a plate for that kind of food when you can find much more tastier & yummy foods at Hawker or even Markets area.

1 advice for you, Stop acting like you're really that pretty with fabulous devil's figure & high-class or even always telling me that you are loaded with MONEY when maybe you're just a empty shell inside.
Anyway, to me you're just nothing special. Maybe just an average looking girl.

You know, it's really disgraceful when tell & speak all these to us. =)

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