Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I'm officially off from school.

2 years just fly off like this. It's just like a blink of an eye. =)
I made good, weird & funny friends there.

And now I'm officially off from ITE College East.
Wednesday will be the last day I gonna go and have my FYP's presentation. =)

I will be missing the stupid things we do always, the laughters the class had & everything.

But well, we can always meet up!


Anyway, I will be joining NDP'08 this year! Gonna be crazy again!!

I got a lot of pictures to upload here. But I seems to be so lazy! =)

So stay tune lor.

P/S: I freaking accidentally deleted off my Bikini Preorder entry in VotreBeaute. Like fuck! Now I'm so freaking lazy to upload again. LOL! Wait till then. =) I will update soon. With edmond's friend Jeric stuffs up! Stay tune!

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