Thursday, December 27, 2007

Coming up next...

It's like the world is indeed small!
You know what, the girl who bought the bra from me is actually my schoolmate; Jaz. =)
Was really surprise to know that it's her.

2007 is coming to an end. So what are your resolution for the year 2008?
For me.. I made plans.

Firstly, I will be retaking my O level next coming year.
If I'm eligible for Poly... I will definitely go for it. If not, never mind. Be it. I will be looking for a Office Job.
Because I might want to go for night classes / tuition for my O level you see. =)

After 1 year, I will see what job I really interested in...
Maybe Air Stewardess, Financial Advisor or even Bank Teller or something else. =)

Anyhoos, made plans for NYE with boyfriend already. Might be going down to Marina South to watch fireworks. So excited. =)

As for now, I gonna go & do my FYP.

- Namecard
- Membership
- Envelope.

and so on...


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