Saturday, May 05, 2007

Very random post.

Will be going back to Hougang later on...

Anyhoos, my beloved korkor bought Honda Civic the past week. How sweet!
It's my dream car! I mean when I stepped out to the working society I willwant to buy this car.
And yet, he bought it. =D

Why I'm so happy about it?

Because I can get to drive his car around!

Last sunday, I went to have a celebration on advanced remember?
Yeap... And we (my brother & me) sent his gf back home.
When the journey back home, he was at there mumbling don't know what thingy.

And he went like, "Girl. I will get my car during August period. You want to drive my car? I give you drive."
I replied, "Really or not?! Of course want la..."
He answered, "Yes. Really. But you give me drive for about 1-2 months like that. But September I not around in Singapore."

Which means I can get to drive his car during that period! =)

Happy things.

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